Week 11 of The Story: Sheperd to King – Little Things

We have been journeying through The Story and here is one theme in God’s Upper Story that continues to reappear again and again.  God chooses to do the most amazing things using the most unlikeliest of people and situations.  From a slave named Joseph, to an elderly couple, to a man named Moses who could not speak,  to Rebecca, and Ruth a foreigner, and Boaz the son of a prostitute.  It seems that every time the Lower Story which is our story is caught up in drama, and seems stuck in sin God redeems his people using the least likely people to do his work and today’s story about David and Goliath is no different.

Here is the question to ponder as you read chapter 11, or as you read 1 Samuel chapters 16 and 17.

How big is your God?

Another way to think of this is to think about how big your God box is?

How does your understanding of what God can do in your life limit or expand your ability to see the possibilities that exist in the people around you?

Sunday we will see how size matters in the Upper Story but not in the Lower Story.



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