The Story Week 17: Faithfulness in the midst of Failure.

This week we pick up the Story and the Northern kingdom has fallen, Hezekiah’s son Manasseh has just become king of the Southern kingdom and sadly he is not like his father.  He neither loves God nor does he follow the Law of Moses in any way.  He is an abomination in the eyes of the Lord.  God sends Babylon to judge the Southern kingdom and ultimately take them away into captivity and destroy the Temple.

In the midst of the rubble of a destroyed Jerusalem, a world turned upside down God sends the prophet Jeremiah to weep over the remains, and to point to what God was going to do in the person of Jesus Christ.   There was one catch God also told Jeremiah that the people wouldn’t listen to his words.   Just as Israel refused to head God’s commandments.

I wonder how many of us are willing to commit 100% to the role God has given us play in his Grand Story.  To the place, ministry, community into which we have been place?    Each of us has a role to play and Paul writes again and again that we are to remember that we do for Jesus Christ in as much as we make Paul’s joy complete we make Christ’s joy complete.


In what way do you need to confess your sins and turn the focus from you and your needs and instead focus on the things of God?


How has a difficult circumstances ended up been a blessing?

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