World Wide Missions: 

Concern International,

Concern International Inc. is a Christian relief and development organization, engaged in activities designed to present the love of Jesus Christ to a hurting world.  We are blessed to be able to support their Brazos de Amor “Arms of Love” children’s home in Agua Prieta, Mexico.   Brazos de Amore is home to as many as 45 children and young people ranging from newborns to young adults.  Concern International provides a safe and loving environment for a new way of life for children that have been abandoned or separated from their families.   Many are victims of abuse and neglect as the result of drugs, alcoholism, and prostitiution.  These children are abandoned and left to fend for themselves scrounging in the dump, begging for food and often turning to a life of crime to survive.  Brazos de Amor is committed to providing a home, a place where the children can receive love, mentoring and training and education.


Every day at thousands of community centers, high schools, middle schools, juvenile institutions, coffee shops, and local hangouts, YFC staff and volunteers meet with young people who need Jesus. Our focus as a movement is on multiplying fruitful and sustainable ministry sites across the nation and around the world.” 

We are excited and delighted that God has placed the call to participate in the work he is doing through YFC on the hearts of two men from First Church of Ravenna. 

Three years ago Jared accepted the call and went to England and a year and a half ago while sharing his testimony about the work God was doing Seth felt God tugging on his heart to follow Jared’s lead. 

Jared Bredeson, – England – Youth for Christ – Gap program

Jared is working in the schools in Teaside

Seth Olthof – England     Youth for Christ – Gap program

Currently Seth is working in 3 schools and in January 2016 he is hoping to start a café church.