KIDS HOPE USA is a program that gives hope to children in our public elementary schools through a relationship with a caring church member. Children’s lives are being changed in schools throughout the United States, and in our community, by having a caring relationship formed one child at a time. Kids Hope has been doing this for more than 20 years, using a proven model of matching a mentor with; One Child, One Hour, One Church, One School.

First Reformed Church has been blessed to be involved in Kids Hope at Beechnau Elementary School for the past five years. Our mentors have been able to be “Jesus with skin on” for their mentees. Even though we must follow church/state rules we have been able live the gospel through our actions; this speaks louder than any words we can ever preach.

Each of these relationships has a foundation in prayer being offered by behind the scenes prayer partners. The prayers being offered for the child, mentor and their relationship have been vital in the success of the program. Research has been done showing that the model of mentoring with prayer partners praying has a higher success rate than mentoring by itself. This ministry has not only helped children in our community, but has blessed the adults who have been willing to become involved in a child’s life.

It is soon time for school to begin. Along with this, Kids Hope will also be starting. If you feel a nudging from the spirit to become involved with impacting a child’s life for one hour each week for one year as a mentor or prayer partner, please see Lou Nordlund.