“When I was hungry did you feed me, ……did you cloth me?”

Jesus calls us to help those in need, and here at First Ref. Church of Ravenna we have been blessed to have the opportunity to offer clothes to those in need.  This ministry began in collaboration with the local Nazarene church when they relocated and no longer had space for the ministry, God opened our hearts and our doors to initially offer a place to store the clothes until space could be found.  In time God’s Cloths Closet found a place in our hearts and the doors were opened.  Three years later we can say “thanks be to God” as the community has embraced the ministry as clothes are dropped off daily and twice a week those in need from Ravenna and the surrounding communities come to find clothing.   

The Hours:   Monday 11-2

(use the gym entrance) Thursday 4-7

Drop off Hours: Monday – Saturday  8-8,

(We welcome clean clothes of any size and type.  To drop off clothes come in the main entrance and place inside the first door on the left)