Join us on Sundays: 10am

Worship on Wednesdays: 6pm

First Reformed Church of Ravenna

 3327 Mortimer St, Ravenna, MI 49451

Current Sermon Series

As we discover a merciful God who in Christ Jesus does not give up on his messy people

Teaching at Ravenna

The Bible is the Word of God.
Each week, we hear a new message from our Pastor or a guest.
Bible based. Relevant to Today.

Week 1: The Cycle Begins
Week 2: Expect the Unexpected – Deborah
Week 3: The Dangers of Success – Gideon
Week 4: Dark Times – Jephtah
Week 5: A Shadow in the Darkness Samson
Week 6: Palm Sunday – The Need for a King
Easter Sunday: Jesus Risen Christ and King

Events at Ravenna

Our church is so much more than just a building, we are a community of people, growing together in the knowledge of Jesus Christ. We have numerous events that happen every week. Let’s find your fit.

Featured Events:

Welcome Back Sale

Upcoming Events