Chapter 9: Ruth – Stranger in a Strange Land – recap

In reflecting on this past weeks message I am reminded of the amazing way that God works.  Let me explain, we began this series on the Bible nine weeks ago, and even before that when we chose to go through this 31 week series God was working it out so that on this the ninth week when the title of the sermon was A stranger in a strange land there would indeed be a stranger in our midst.   Not necessarily a stranger to people in the church but someone who had not previously attended church.  I want to give thanks to God because the key point of the sermon was that “God is at work” and indeed God is truly at work and I for one can’t wait to see what God has in store for next week.

May we as a body of Christ – the church continue to reach out in love and grace to the strangers in our midst.  To those who do not know Christ, to those like Ruth who are single mom’s, to those like Naomi who are bitter about life, so that God may receive the glory.

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