Entries by pastor

Chapter 10 of The Story: Standing Tall, Falling Hard: Choices!

I want to welcome you back for this the tenth chapter of The Story, the Bible in a narrative or story format.   We have been journeying through the period of the Judges now for several chapters and if anything is to be said about Israel – God’s chosen people its this “they just don’t seem to get it”.   Six times they are sent a judge to rescue them from oppression and six times they slip back into their sinful ways.  Sadly, we are really no different than Israel, even when we have a leader we often don’t get it. Like Israel we believe that its ok to “bend the rules”

The Story Chapter 9: Bitter and Sweet

Has your life ever taken an unexpected twist?  Have you ever felt like a stranger?

In this weeks story from The Bible we find a woman named Naomi, whose name means “beautiful and sweet” who has found love with a man named Elimelek.  They have two sons and all is well except then a famine comes upon the land and they decide to travel to the land of Moab in hopes of finding food and the means to survive.  They not only do but her sons find for themselves wives. For Naomi life is surely “sweet” and she is probably dreaming of grandchildren.  

Week 8: A Few Good Men and Women

We have been journeying with Moses in the wilderness, Joshua has just guided the nation of Israel into the Promise Land, and all in all it would seem like The Story is finally getting back on track after originally derailing in the garden of Eden.  Yet that is not the case, it seems that the Israelites just cannot win at life.  Just as with the golden calf they no sooner get on the God given pathway than they think they see a better way and take wrong path.  The Lower Story is that the grass always looks greener on the other side of the fence,

The Story week 7: The Might Be Giants

What does courage look like?

For many of us it may bring back images of soldiers in uniform, and various historic battles might come to mind.  Perhaps images of football and a dramatic goal line stand come to mind and then there is the underdog or little guy taking on someone much bigger, like in the movie Rocky.

This week in The Story, we will see courage in a different way as we read about the Israelites  entering the Promise Land.  First, remember what the first spies said 39 years earlier about the Promise land that it was overflowing with milk and honey……..

Wandering – “Are we there yet”

WEEK 6 – The Story

WANDERING:   The place between where we are and where we want to be.  This “In Between” place.  This place between jobs, this place between wanting kids and having that first child, this place between wanting to get married and getting married, this place between wanting to buy a house and having a house, these are all places of uncertaintly, of waiting and waiting can be uncomfortable.  In a world that tends to be all about becoming or going someone or someplace.  We don’t like to be “in between”, we don’t like wandering. 

The Story Week 5: Pillars of Fire and House Rules

This week we continue to travel along with Moses as he and the Israelite’s travel through the desert toward the promise land.    The Upper Story in the midst of this Lower Story saga is that God desires to be in relationship with the people that he created and made a covenant promise too.  God is the original Promise Keeper and while his first attempt ao commune with us in the Garden of Eden did not turn out as planned, sin entered the world.  Now his people are slaves in Egypt,  God hears their cries and frees the Israelites from slavery,

The Story Chapter 2: God Builds a Nation

The idea of building a nation is truly beyond understanding and to think that God was going to begin with one couple.  On a basic level I can grasp what it takes to building a basketball team, or a football team, players who are willing to commit to the idea of team first, to working hard, to taking care of each other, integrity, character, and a willingness to make sacrifices for the sake and success of the team.  Yet these thoughts are just a small part of what it takes to simply build a successful tea, and God was building a nation. 

The Story – Week 3: Joseph : Dreams and Broken Promises

Dreams and Broken Promises: Joseph

Have you ever done exactly what you are supposed to, and then you were horribly punished for it? Or at least it felt that way.  Sometimes it seems that when you give your best, the world thanks you by giving you its worst.

 Joseph seemed to be holding all the right cards.  He had the Ace of Hearts:  he was his father’s favorite.  He had the Ace of Diamonds:  his father lavished him with wonderful gifts, and his dreams pointed towards a princely future.  Two aces should be enough to win prosperity and joy.

Invitation and introduction to The Story

Thank you for joining all of us here at First Church as we begin an incredible 31 week journey through God’s incredible story.  The Bible is often described as, “The Greatest Story ever told”  and it is just that a story of God pursuing and striving to rescue lost and hurting people, a story of God’s love affair with humanity. The Story condenses this into 31 accessible chapters, and sweeps you away into the unfolding drama of people and events.  Using the NIV Bible it allows you the read The Bible like any good story book or novel, and like every good story there is plenty of drama,

The Story Week1: Beginning

This week marks the beginning of the first part of the most incredible story ever told.  Yet, perhaps it would be helpful to look at the Bible as a five act play: (1) Creation & Fall, (2) Israel, (3) the Time of Jesus, (4) the Age of the Church, and (5) the End of Time.   This week marks the beginning of God’s Story – the Upper Story and of human kind’s story the Lower Story.  Each week you will find some questions to consider in preperation for Sunday’s message.  Each week we will together discover something about our story and about God’s story as it continues to unfold in our very midst.