Entries by pastor

The Story Week 22: Birth of a King

This week we begin, the New Testament, the next chapter or series in our journey through The Story(Bible), the season of Lent.  Before I begin here are some thoughts to guide us not just this week but over the next 5 weeks as we begin our Lenten series entitled “Understanding Jesus”.

Lent is often described as a journey, a time of self searching. But Lent can also be thought of in terms of truth.

In Lent, the masks we put on to protect us from God’s penetrating stare are stripped away.  In Lent, our lives are grasped by the power of God’s truth,

The Story – Week 21: Rebuilding Walls – Rebuilding Lives

The Old Testament ends with three very distinct building projects.  The first was the rebuilding of the temple under Zerubabbel which we read about two weeks ago in chapter 19.   God now has a place to stay with his people,  and worshiping God and making sacrifices for their sins could resume.   Second, they needed to rebuild the walls around the city of Jerusalem, protection from the surrounding enemies and raiders.  Walls and the temple where very important in the lives of the people.

The most important rebuilding project is however, was not a structure rather it was the lives of the people. 

Week 18 of the Story: Stranger in a foreign Land

Here is the question this week, how would you go about maintaining your faith if you moved to a new state, or even to a new country with totally different customs?   The book of Daniel offers us not only a clear picture of God’s Upper Story but shows us what our Lower Story might look like given that we have a clear understanding of God’s story for those that are willing to stand firm in our faith and our belief in God.  As we shall see this week this is no easy task, people and circumstances with try to trip us up. 

The Story Week 17: Faithfulness in the midst of Failure.

This week we pick up the Story and the Northern kingdom has fallen, Hezekiah’s son Manasseh has just become king of the Southern kingdom and sadly he is not like his father.  He neither loves God nor does he follow the Law of Moses in any way.  He is an abomination in the eyes of the Lord.  God sends Babylon to judge the Southern kingdom and ultimately take them away into captivity and destroy the Temple.

In the midst of the rubble of a destroyed Jerusalem, a world turned upside down God sends the prophet Jeremiah to weep over the remains,

The Story Chapter 16 / Adopt a Revolutionary Motto for Your Life

  In the early formation of our nation George Washington had the opportunity to become king of the burgeoning nation.  But given the young nation’s experience with England and because he had a robust prayer life he knew there was only one King, so he declined the offer. 

 The people of the land apparently knew the same.  “In a 1774 report to King George, the Governor of Boston noted: ”If you ask an American, who is his master? He will tell you he has none, nor any governor but Jesus Christ.” The pre-war Colonial Committees of Correspondence soon made this the American motto: “No King but King Jesus.”

The Story: Chapter 15 – God Messengers

Can You Hear Him Now?

 Verizon Wireless created one of the most memorable marketing campaigns ever in 2005.  In their commercials a so-called ”test man,” accompanied by a crowd of network engineers, travels the country asking the simple question, “Can you hear me now?” in an ongoing exercise to determine the reliability of the mobile phone carrier’s network.

 The “catch phrase” caught on.  The company’s market share went up and employee turnover went down.  It seemed people could relate to the struggle to connect.  Folks were tired of dropped calls and unreliable communication systems. 

The Story: Chapter 14 / Pay Attention to the Ripple Effect

The decisions you make and the actions you take affect those around you.

Rehoboam learned that lesson the hard way. Rehoboam followed his father Solomon to the throne of Israel. Solomon had a high calling but low standards and he had exacted harsh labor on the people while biulding his palace and kingdom. A delegation, led by Jeroboam, went to the new king and asked him to take away the harshness, to give the people a break.

In private, Rehoboam asked his elder council what he should do. They advised that he become a servant to the people,

January 5 – “The King Who Had it All” – week 13 of The Story

As we enter the first week of the New Year, we resume our journey through the Bible using The Story, the Bible in narrative or story form. Please join us each week as we together we strengthen our understanding of God’s Upper Story purpose in our Lower Story lives as we dig deep into the Bible.

This week we begin where we left off with King David turning over the kingdom to his son Solomon, born of his marriage to Bathsheba.  Solomon’s story brings back memories because he was granted what we all would like to have a special wish. 

Week 11 of The Story: Sheperd to King – Little Things

We have been journeying through The Story and here is one theme in God’s Upper Story that continues to reappear again and again.  God chooses to do the most amazing things using the most unlikeliest of people and situations.  From a slave named Joseph, to an elderly couple, to a man named Moses who could not speak,  to Rebecca, and Ruth a foreigner, and Boaz the son of a prostitute.  It seems that every time the Lower Story which is our story is caught up in drama, and seems stuck in sin God redeems his people using the least likely people to do his work and today’s story about David and Goliath is no different.

Chapter 9: Ruth – Stranger in a Strange Land – recap

In reflecting on this past weeks message I am reminded of the amazing way that God works.  Let me explain, we began this series on the Bible nine weeks ago, and even before that when we chose to go through this 31 week series God was working it out so that on this the ninth week when the title of the sermon was A stranger in a strange land there would indeed be a stranger in our midst.   Not necessarily a stranger to people in the church but someone who had not previously attended church.  I want to give thanks to God because the key point of the sermon was that “God is at work”